
End of the Year Mass June 19th @ 9:30 in the gym

Join us for our final mass and celebration in honour of our Grade 8’s! All...

Go Sky Hawks Go!

Wishing the 81 members of our St. Anne’s Track and Field team a great day...

St. Anne Catholic School Council Spring Fundraiser is here!

Dear Parents and Guardians: St. Anne CES is proud to offer you a World’s Finest...

Join us for St. Anne’s Family Game Night – FUN raiser night!

Come ready to celebrate this year’s NEW Bingo and FUN raiser Night with your St...

St. Anne Family Movie Night!

On Friday, April 6th @ 7 p.m., please join us for our annual FREE movie...

Stations of the Cross/Passion Play on Holy Thursday

Join us for our Holy Thursday liturgy as we remember Christ’s passion through a contemporary...